Solid Wood Cabinet Panels
Our cabinet construction includes solid wood front panels. The front panel of a cabinet or drawer design could be called the most fundamental element to the overall effect. People can see wood veneer a mile away. The same can be said about solid wood.
Woody Woodmakers sources many species of wood. We have available soft woods such as pine, hardwoods like oak or maple, and also exotic woods like cherry or tropical species. All woods are kiln dried and milled to order. We also source multiple types of solid wood molding.
Using solid wood to build cabinet and drawer front panels offers many advantages. People have a nostalgic connection to wood. It is naturally decorative and provides natural patterns that can be made to stand out with the proper finish.
Now that we are talking about finishes, we need to give our opinion on covering beautiful solid wood panels with paint. True our opinion may be controversial since painting over solid wood has been the trend since the White House was build. Please remember its just an opinion.
If possible, don’t paint over solid wood panels. Wood takes to stain like a fish takes to water. All the potential beauty of wood grain can be lost under a painted finish.
Please don’t paint over solid wood panels! Wood takes to stain like a fish takes to water. All the potential beauty of wood grain can be lost under a painted finish. If you simply itch for a non-natural color, pickeled finishes may be a better choice. Pickled finishes show the grain and give the painted asctetic.
Why get solid wood panels just to paint over them? Well, despite what we said in the last paragraph, there may be some instances where paint is a viable option. Cabinets, chest of drawers, shelves and book cases that are in high traffic areas can use a good coat of paint. Also, if public opinion to paint is to overwhelming for you (i.e. your spouse) and you must cave in, well… go ahead and paint. Rest assured that one day you can strip and refinish.
Woody Woodmakers uses 3/4 inch plywood for the cabinet cases and builds cabinet front panels from solid wood. You can read more about finishing and refinishing in a future blog.